The Writing and Marketing Show

Finding Your Inner Motivation

Wendy H. Jones/Paul Vann Episode 57

Today I'm talking about finding your inner motivation with award winning author and motivational coach, Paul Vann. 

Wendy Jones:

Hi, and welcome to the writing and Marketing Show brought to you by author Wendy H. Jones. This show does exactly what it says on the tin. It's jam packed with interviews, advice, hints, tips and news to help you with the business of writing. It's all wrapped up in one likely podcast. So it's time to get on with the show. And welcome to Episode 57 of the writing and Marketing Show with me author, entrepreneur, Wendy h. Jones. Here we are Episode 57. Already, I cannot believe how fast this new year is going as well. We're, we're in the middle of February as I record this, and what exciting has been happening? Well, the snow has cleared. Last week when I recorded this, we were two and a half foot buried in snow. But there's still snow outside, but we can get out again. And it's probably just a few inches now and things are moving forwards. It's melting fast, the sun is shining, and all is right with the world. While I say all is right with the world, we're still in lockdown. And because of COVID soil isn't right with a world. But do you know what? I'm safe, I'm healthy. And I'm in a nice house and the sun is shining. So I'm going to say that all as well with my world today, or would be better if I had my vaccine, but I haven't had it yet. So Soviet, I shall wait my tongue, because we're doing it at the times that are best for everyone in the country, not just me. And that's what's important to remember. I'm going to be talking today to Paul Van and we're extremely motivational. I was motivated just by recording the show. And I'm going to be motivated by listening to it again, because I always listen to these again and again, because I get so much information from them. So before we do that, I would like to say as always, it's an absolute pleasure to do the show. And I do it willingly every week, however, it does take time out of my writing week. If you would like to support this time, I would be very grateful. And you can do so via for just $3 a month. And that $3 would mean a lot to me because it means that you liked the show, and you want me to continue with it. So forward slash Wendy h Jones. And also the author entrepreneur Academy is going great guns, the students are loving it. And you can join it at any time. And if you search author, printer accelerator Academy, you will find where you will find it. And you can join us and you can learn all about how to expand your author business and how about all about how to write your first book. So absolutely worth signing up. So what of Paul, while I was excited to have Paul, join us all the way from just from Maryland, just outside Washington. As you know, I should be there later this year, but I can't see it happening. So I'm really pleased that I was able to talk to van and sorry van PAUL VAN PR man I'm just changing his name to something. He says he's a motivational speaker, money coach, author of three solo books and three co authored books, and a two time into number one international best selling author. He's going to discuss how authors course creators and consultants can get out of depth, stop overspending and gain control of their money as well as being able to say how they are tidy can be motivated how they can do public speaking, he's a public speaker need to talk about motivation. And we talk about money again as an adjunct to last week's session. So without further ado, let's get on with the show and hear from Paul who is motivated me That's for sure. So let's get on with the show. And I have Paul with me here on the show. Welcome Paul.

Paul Vann:

Wendy It's an honour to be with you and thank you so much for interviewing me on your amazing podcast.

Wendy Jones:

Oh you I'm so grateful that you agreed to come on because motivation Wow, what a topic but you know, just before we get going with a question just so we can settle in and relax and you don't feel like I'm interrogating you. You know where are you speaking from today Paul?

Paul Vann:

I am speaking from the lovely area and state of Maryland which is only about five miles from Washington DC. So we have a beautiful snowy day here and I love every minute of it.

Wendy Jones:

Oh I love Maryland. It's a such a beautiful place. It is and we have snow in Scotland as well although it's quite mucky snow because it's disappearing.

Paul Vann:


Wendy Jones:

and you're sitting comfortable. And you you don't feel like you're on mastermind and I'm interrogating you with a bright light on you.

Paul Vann:

Not at all. I love this.

Wendy Jones:

And I love your accent. Paul, I have to say it's very calming. And it's very motivational, actually, which is good, because we're going to talk about motivation. It's a topic dear to my heart, as I say, I love talking about it. So why do you think it's a topic worth us covering here today?

Paul Vann:

Well, wonderful question. In fact, motivation is so important, Wendy. And the thing I have to say about it is, given all the life challenges that people have today is so important for everyone to be conscious of what they're experiencing. Of course, motivation has everything to do with the inner power, and we all possess it. And when we take the motivation that we have inside of us, and we work towards taking action on it, it helps us to move forward and achieving things and achievement is very important for us all. Because it gives us an opportunity to really live our passion, in addition to our purpose. And it also entails having a strong desire to do things, and to accomplish something that we find to be very important to us, whether it's writing, speaking, coaching, what have you. And of course, when it comes to motivation, and why it's so important for people today, it's because it entails having zest for life, have it the drive, the energy and the fire burning on the inside of us to keep us moving towards a certain goal. So it's very important for us to have something each and every day to do to work towards, and to find that achievement. And again, to live that passion and that purpose in life. So it's very important for everyone.

Wendy Jones:

Yeah, I would agree with everything you've said there, because you know, we is motivation that gets us through the day, really? And without it. We're a bit. We're a bit stuck. Yes,

Paul Vann:

yes. Yeah. gives us something to shoot for.

Wendy Jones:

Absolutely, yes. But I know that a lot of writers are de motivated at the moment. I mean, why do you think that's the case?

Paul Vann:

Well, I tell you, one of the reasons why, and I've talked to a lot of authors, as well as interview a lot of them is that they are mentally and physically exhausted. They're just tired. And I can understand it, because we have so many life challenges in front of us, what we call the quicksands of life. And it has a direct impact on it, right, its performance. And what we need to do and to recognise is that we need to get some rests, we need to avoid exhaustion. Now we have it in two forms, one happens to be mental exhaustion, which is real, and it compensates a writer. And the first thing I would say to do is to simply get some rest, it sounds simple, but if that's the key, and perhaps when a writer is working during the day to take a nap every now and then to rest their mind, and come up with more creativity. And then, of course, to dedicate some time for self care. Self Care is so important when they because we have a workaday lifestyle, in many instances, and it gives us that opportunity to exhale. And then the other aspect is the physical exhaustion, which is definitely real. And it helps us to overcome and it helps our performance. And a way to compensate for this is to do some breathing exercises, practice mindfulness and be present in the moment. And then some writers, demotivated because they feel burnt out. However, they can go out for a walk, get some fresh air, perform yoga, if you're inclined to do so. Eat clean food, clean Mills, and once again, get that rest because it does do a body good. And one thing I want to recommend at this time when is that instead of a writer writing all the time, take a little bit of time out maybe a day. And instead of writing read your favourite book and obtain some information, some inspiration rather from it, then rest and refill to bring on more creativity. Perhaps listen to some beautiful music, de stress, refuel and then get that writing Mojo that momentum align and it will be helped to motivate an accomplished or writing assignment at hand. And those are some of the things I recommend for people who are demotivated at this time because it is very challenging right now.

Wendy Jones:

Yeah. You brought it up, really because we know that the current situation is not helping us at all in terms of our motivation. Why do you think that is?

Paul Vann:

Well, Wendy, one of the things I must say it's a great question is that we have this pandemic, that's impacting the 7.8 billion people around the globe, and what we are experiencing, we should not pretend as if it's not happening. In other words, these are not normal times. We're trying to navigate life trying to stay alive, and it really makes a difference and the other aspect of helping is not to be isolated. And we have the virtual platforms now. And that helps us to connect with people. And that's playing a big role as well. But what it's causing with the current health challenges is causing overwhelm. It's called a stress. And it's the reason why some people are stressed out, and it's making it harder for them to keep going. There's also a lack of motivation is a symptom of depression in some cases, but it may be caused by something else. For example, one may lack motivation, if they're having difficulties coping with an issue in their life or experiencing something that affects their self confidence. And so it's very it behoves us to really look at and assess what we're going through today and address those issues. And if we need help from someone in the medical profession, I say, seek that help and help to resolve it. So it won't slow you down in life.

Wendy Jones:

I mean, that's, you've given some really good reasons there. And it's is, is difficult at the moment, there's no getting over that, you know, I'm quite a motivated person, and I'm quite an optimistic person. But even I'm beginning to think heavens, you know, what's going on? You know? Absolutely. So you can understand why people are not motivated at the moment. So what can we do to increase our motivation, not only in our current circumstances, but generally, you've given us some ideas, but have you any others?

Paul Vann:

Yes, when in fact, I do. And I think that what you just asked is a wonderful question the way to increase motivation. For our current circumstances, where there's no will, there's no way. I'll start out by saying that, and one of the best ways to improve our personal effectiveness is to master our motivation and find the drive. And if we can master our motivation, we can deal with life's setbacks, we can also look at it from the aspect of inspiration for ourselves, and always to find a way forward and push beyond the limitations that we may be experiencing at the time, and to create new experiences for ourselves and to follow the growth. Now, one way in which we can do it, in terms of increasing our motivation is to connect with our values, because this is the ultimate of things that we have in life. And if we can connect the work that we do with our values, even in small ways we can change, change the game for ourselves, and the writing at this case, and learn and continuously grow and get better at what we do, retrain, stay curious, and continue to learn. Another way is to define our why. And it represents why what is our compelling purpose in life. The reason for living, something that we love to do, and for writers and authors is having a passion for doing so. And then lastly, is to change our how we can instantly find a task more enjoyable by shifting from getting them done to doing them, right. We can also set time limits and race against the clock. And then we can also look at changing how we can get things done to get out of a rut or to find new ways to escape the mundane through creativity.

Wendy Jones:

Now, again, great tips and ideas for us there. You know, and listen, even I need advice on how to be more motivated at the moment. Because when all you're doing is staggering downstairs, from your bedroom to your sitting room or your office. And you're not doing anything more than that. It's really hard to get yourself motivated to do anything to get dressed. Nevermind, right.

Paul Vann:


Wendy Jones:

yeah. I'm talking about you know, staggering downstairs. And we I know I should be doing more exercise, and I've heard that exercise can help me to be more motivated. What are your thoughts on that?

Paul Vann:

Well, I really believe in it. And one of the things that I did when he heard about COVID-19 is I purchased a stationary bike with resistance ban on it so I can get an upper body and lower body workout and the reason why it's because I wanted to increase my immune system. Now exercise really helps because it stimulates the brain's pitched pituitary gland, and to release chemicals called endorphins. And endorphins Of course, trigger a euphoric feeling often referred to as a runner's high, and I used to run all the time not so much anymore. I'm on the bike. And it also provides a great aerobic exercise so it helps one to feel better. Then also exercise improves productivity, it improves creativity, and it yields better health and wellness results in the end. And it also builds a lot of confidence but it gives us a better way to recover from this exhaustion that we're experiencing by being in the box the rooms through the isolation as a result of this pandemic. So I'm Hi, Lee. really supportive of exercising at least Every day for me, I exercise twice a day for 45 minutes, I drink a gallon of water, and I lift weights, and I eat clean food, meaning not a lot of junk food. And I get my rest and my naps as well, because I'm getting a little bit up there in age right now. But the exercise is making the difference. I highly recommend it.

Wendy Jones:

Well, you know, I'm definitely going to take up more exercise, when it's good for me physically, but it's obviously gonna be mentally as well. I should be on it tomorrow, I will be on it. And I do mean tomorrow that's not a euphemism for I might get right to it.

Paul Vann:


Wendy Jones:

what would be your top three tips for a writer to be self motivated to write each day?

Paul Vann:

When great question and the top tips for a writer to be self motivated to write each day number one is to shift the mindset. The mindset is so important. In fact, what mind mindset is defined as is how one views the world. So this gives us an opportunity to shift the mindset and to set goals, daily tasks, perhaps as a writer, looking at the number of words, and are a chapter each day, and having a mindset that consists of wanting to write rather than having to write to get out of the mundane. And then of course, the importance of having a passion for writing. And number two, is prioritising writing. In other words, block out time to write, making writing, the first thing we do each day, and then show up writing is all about the passion. So one must take themselves to task when you don't really feel like doing it, push ourselves across that line and start typing, start writing what needs to get done. And then third, is to embrace distractions, because they will happen, and they will present themselves to us. And we have to have that ability to manage them with skill. So again, is to shift one's mindset, prioritise, writing, and embrace distractions. And that's a great Trinity in which all writers and authors can hold on to and it will make a difference in their writing.

Wendy Jones:

No, they're absolutely brilliant. And fantastic. You know, and I know you're a motivational speaker, what sorts of things do you bring out in your motivational talks that you do on isn't different depending on where you where you're toxic?

Paul Vann:

Correct. One of the things that I focus on is looking at the mindfulness aspect, I'm finding that to be one that is very receptive and different industries, primarily because it releases stress, it helps people to move beyond their current art, what I call the quicksands of life. And I also talk to people in regards to looking at their financial state, because when we have our financial state aligned with the rest of our lives, we tend to live a better life. And the reason why I say this is because research tells us that the number one stressor, or pressure in the world is one of finances, people stating they don't have enough money. We look here in the states and people in food going to food banks, lines along unemployment line lines along fascination for that long line. So when we look at these particular things, those are the things that I talk about in regards to helping people to move beyond the current limitations that they have that in their current life status.

Wendy Jones:

Now again, that's great. Thank you. Now my final question, because all podcasts seem to come to an end, unfortunately, because I would love to speak to people for hours, you know, and especially on motivation. But my final question is, where can we find out about more about you and your books?

Paul Vann:

Well, first of all, thank you for interviewing me on your amazing show. And people can learn more about me at www dot wealth Academy And they can also reach me with my podcast, which is wealth Academy podcast. And it's definitely the mantra is, wealth is more than just money. So we talked about mind, body, spirit, health and wellness and other things such as that. But those are the locations that people can learn more about me. And if they want to look at the books, they can go to and just look for paulides van and I have an author, central location on there where they can reach me, and thank you so much, Wendy h. Jones, you are amazing.

Wendy Jones:

Well, thank you. It's been a pleasure having you on what are your books called? Do you mind me asking?

Paul Vann:

Sure. The first book that I wrote is called Living on higher ground and it's a motivational book that people a lot of people have purchased it and really enjoy it and associations have purchased it. And I've been interviewed about it a lot. times and then my second book is called Living on higher ground. And it's more of a spirit based book. And it's a 21 day book that people can increase their spirit they've been and enhanced themselves. And the third book is called goal achievers. And goal achievers is a book that provides quotes to help people achieve success. And then I'm the co author of three books. And so that's far my goal of having 10. And what keeps me motivated, as I have four books yet to write. And I'm going to start writing the next one. So

Wendy Jones:

well, well done. And I love the titles of your books, I'm certainly going to be looking them up. And I'm sure my listeners will as well. Thank you so much, Paul, this has been amazing.

Paul Vann:

Thank you so much, Wendy, and continued excellence in your writing. And you're doing a wonderful job by providing people with coaching, with your books and other programmes that you offer. And of course, your podcast. Thank you so much.

Wendy Jones:

Thank you. Can you tell us what your podcasts called again, because I'm sure people will want to listen to it.

Paul Vann:

Sure. As wealth Academy podcast, and I interview people all over the world. And we talk about things that really matter to people in regards to having their Financial Intelligence increase in that, and money and money mindset, as well as mindfulness as well as I do a lot of talking about mindfulness. I'm a certified mindfulness life coach, and a certified financial coach as well.

Wendy Jones:

Excellent. Well, thank you once more. And I have to say to everybody, it's a fantastic podcast. I've listened to several episodes, and they're amazing. So well worth listening to. And thank you, Paul, for joining me. It has been my absolute pleasure.

Paul Vann:

Yes, we need. Thank you very much. And I look forward to interviewing you again. I'll have a live stream coming out. I'm gonna bring you on that live stream. That would be in the near future.

Wendy Jones:

Yes, thank you very much. Have

Paul Vann:

You too. Thank you very much. Enjoy.

Wendy Jones:

Bye, bye. That brings us to the end of another show. It was really good to have you on the show with me today. I'm Wendy h Jones. And you can find me at Wendy H You can also find me on Patreon where you can support me for as little as $3 a month which is less than the price of a tea or coffee. You go to forward slash Wendy h Jones. I'm also Wendy h Jones on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Thank you for joining me today and I hope you found it both useful and interesting. Join me next week when I will have another cracking guests for you. Until then, have a good week and keep writing. Keep reading and keep learning